The U.S. Navy has deployed new drones launched from submarines to spy out targets and enable torpedo attacks on ships sailing far beyond the horizon. By acting as the sub’s eyes and ears, the drone can greatly increase its strike range – and keep the submarine well away from any defensive weapons or sensors.
A BlackWing drone unfolds its wings after launch from a submarine
The deployment was revealed by Rear Adm. Dave Goggins, program executive officer for Submarines, in a webinar at the Naval Submarine League’s annual symposium.
Goggins called the new submarine-launched unmanned aerial system (SLUAS) “a pretty awesome capability to provide to the fleet.”
Modern torpedoes like the Mk 48 Mod 6 Advanced Technology are limited by the range of sensors. Officially the Mk 48 has a range of ‘greater than five miles’; unofficially it is believed to be somewhat over 30 miles. The problem though is that it is difficult to detect, positively identify and track a target at that sort of range from as submerged submarine. These days submarines do not raise a periscope for an attack, which would give away their location to radar; instead, everything is done from sonar. But, depending on conditions, this might only give a ‘target solution’ – a precise fix on the target vessel – from a few miles away.
The drone solves all that. It is launched underwater from a 3-inch tube normally used for noisemaking decoys, bobs to the surface and then takes off, unfolding wings and an electric propeller. Equipped with daylight and night vision cameras, it relays data back to the submerged submarine. While sonar might have difficulty picking out one specific vessel from a group, the drone can easily identify and give the exact location, speed and bearing information needed to launch a torpedo.
Goggin’s use of the term ‘awesome’ is probably not an accident: the project was developed under the name 'Advanced Weapons Enhanced by Submarine UAS against Mobile targets' – AWESUM for short. The aim was to provide a means of spotting not just ships for torpedo attacks, but also for pinpointing land targets for strikes by submarine-launched cruise missiles.
The AWESUM project developed drone technology for submarine launch -- including a weaponized version
The drone for the original AWESUM development was the BlackWing developed by AeroVironment AVAV , a derivative of their SwitchBlade loitering munition which weighs about four pounds and has a twenty-seven inch wingspan. The speed and endurance are not stated, but if it is similar to SwitchBlade it may cruise for half an hour at 60 mph. Earlier, AeroVironment worked on a version of BlackWIng with an explosive payload, which would have allowed submarines to carry out covert strikes on high-value targets in coastal areas; this version does not seem to have gone into production.
Goggins said the drone was tested by USS Annapolis, a fast-attack submarine, using it in a simulated torpedo attack on the littoral-combat ship USS Charleston at “pretty much at near-maximum effective range of that torpedo.”
After successful testing, the new drones were deployed in September and are now in active service.
“I have five SLUAS shipsets in the fleet today and we will continue to deliver this capability,” Goggins said. “We’re really working on the evolution of that capability going forward.”
The Navy seems to be serious about further developments. On October 30th they put out a Request For Information for a Submarine-Launched Unmanned Aerial System. This specifies that the drone, which must fit in a three-inch launch tube, should have a flight endurance of at least one hour, “operate at ranges out to the line-of-sight radio horizon” and have advanced encrypted communications. The drone should be able to fly autonomously so the submarine would not need to transmit control signals which might give away its location.
AeroVironment are likely to have some competition: Lockheed Martin’s Outrider, which debuted in 2017, is also capable of submarine launch and has a flight endurance of more than two hours, with a cruising speed of 40 mph.
They may also be far more capable submarine-launched drones out there. In 2016, Rear Adm. Charles Richard, the Navy’s director for undersea warfare, told USNI News of plans for “21-inch torpedo tube launched vehicles with much longer launched duration.”
With this sort of aerial asset torpedoes with far greater ranges could be deployed. The launching submarine does not need to be within sonar range, or even in the same general area as the target. That’s going to make things very much more difficult for anyone trying to stop a submarine attack.