Ukraine asks Turkey if Bayraktar UAV can spray 20L aerosol

2022-04-22 23:15:38 By : Ms. Sula Ying - Military and defence news, analysis, research and data

SOFIA, ($1=1.76 Bulgarian Levs) — The Ukrainian company for the production of aircraft engines Motor-Sich has asked the manufacturer of the Turkish drones Bayraktar Akinci whether their drone [Bayraktar Akinci] is ‘equipped with a system/mechanism for spraying aerosol with a capacity of more than 20 liters?’ The information comes from the Bulgarian investigative journalist in the field of defense Dilyana Gaitandjieva and her post in Twitter, has learned.

The journalist published a two-page document with questions from the Ukrainian producer – left and right side. The answers of the Turkish producer are on the right, in English. The document was signed by Mustafa Kosheoglu – coordinator and vice general manager of the Turkish manufacturer of Bayraktar Akinci Baykar.

Ukraine also asks whether Bayraktar Akinci is “capable of flying to distances of 300km?” As can be seen from the documents, the Turkish manufacturer answered both questions in the negative. The questions were asked by the Ukrainian senior contract engineer of Motor-Sich Vyacheslav Shuklin.

In her Twitter post, journalist Gaitandjieva recalled one of the claims of the Russian Ministry of Defense that “Bayraktars were planned to be adapted for spraying toxic substances over enemy territory.”

On 21 February 2022, the Russian government claimed that Ukrainian shelling had destroyed an FSB border facility on the Russia Ukraine border, and claimed that it had killed 5 Ukrainian soldiers who tried to cross into Russian territory. Ukraine denied being involved in both incidents and called them a false flag.

On the same day, the Russian government formally recognized the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR as independent states, according to Putin not only in their de-facto controlled areas, but the Ukrainian Oblasts as a whole, and Putin ordered Russian troops, including tanks, to enter the regions.

On 24 February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an invasion of Ukraine by Russian Armed Forces previously concentrated along the border. The invasion followed by targeted airstrikes of military buildings in the country, as well as tanks entering via the Belarus border.

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