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Check Tip And Tricks of Call Of Duty: Everything you need to know Call of Duty: Mobile Tips and Tricks Customize the controls Escape enemy fire using the Ninja Grapple Gun. Learn what each character class has to offer Upgrade your weapons and skills Customize your Scorestreaks Scoring streaks. Duck to slide when you’re on the go Opt for taller frames over graphics Don’t forget to use disposables. Take to the skies with the helicopter Look at the minimap to locate enemies. Pre-shot at potential enemy locations Final words: Tip And Tricks of Call Of Duty: Everything you need to know
The newest game that can be installed on Android phones and iPhones is the Call of Duty mobile game. It is a heavy action game with multiplayer capabilities; you can play with your friends in one team, or you can play with players from all over the world. For some users who are playing mobile COD for the first time, it can be a new and difficult game. Users who are playing the game for the first time or who want to improve their game will find some tips and tactics to help them win and increase their rating.
What could be better than starting our Call of Duty: Mobile tips article with the game controls? Most of you may have already customized your controls in Call of Duty: Mobile, however some tend to play with the default layout. Customizing the layout of the controls would allow you to create a configuration that works for you. It would also allow you to use the “claw” technique to play around and improve your reaction speed. To customize the controls in COD: Mobile, tap on the Settings icon which should be located at the top right of the screen. Select the Controls tab and tap on a custom layout. Rearrange the on-screen controls in a way you feel comfortable with. You can check the control layout on screen through the above screenshot for reference.
When you play Battle Royale mode, you have the option to choose a special character class. If you somehow end up with the Ninja character class, you could put the Grapple Gun to good use. Although the Grapple Gun is not an attack weapon, you can use it to get out of a sticky situation. Use the Grapple Gun on nearby buildings or ridges to escape enemy fire. This trick is most successful if you are near buildings, as you could quickly climb to the top of a building to give yourself a few seconds to heal during a firefight. This does not mean that the other Character Class options are not useful.
Our next Call of Duty: Mobile tip relates to familiarizing yourself with its characters. Call of Duty: Mobile has 6 character classes to offer. All six are unique and offer you a kind of special ability in the game. Knowing when to use each character class’s special ability is crucial. So let’s take a look at the six character classes in the game.
Now that you know what each character class does, choose your class wisely based on your preferred play style.
It’s easy to forget about upgrading your weapons and skills by quickly jumping into a game. However, to have the best chance of winning a game in multiplayer, upgrading your weapons is crucial. To start upgrading your weapons and abilities, tap Loadout and then select the weapon. Select the Update button visible in the lower left corner of the screen. You can upgrade weapons with three different weapon XP cards: green, blue, and purple.
Upgrading a weapon would allow you to unlock slots for attachments and addons. Use these addons like an extended mag, FMJ-AR and others to get an edge on the enemy. You can also add perks for your character. Perks unlock special skills and abilities. For example, the Quick Recovery perk would increase the healing rate by 25%. Choose your perks wisely, and once again keep your playstyle in mind to use perks effectively.
Using your scorestreaks effectively in multiplayer can almost guarantee you a high scoring game, if not a win. The default scorestreaks are UAV, Drone, and Predator Missile. While they’re all useful in their own way, you can also choose from a host of other scorestreak rewards. To select and customize your Scorestreaks, tap the Scorestreaks option above the Load button. The higher your level in the game, the more points you will unlock. Here are all the scoring sequences in the game and at what level you can unlock them.
Please note that you cannot combine multiple High Level Scorestreaks, so we suggest you match your Scorestreaks carefully and thoughtfully.
Tapping the crouch button while running will cause your character to quickly dash forward. This is especially useful for dodging enemy fire, as moving quickly would allow you to duck for cover or get out of the way of the bullet. He can also fire his gun when he slides, which can be useful when trying to get into a building.
While it may seem tempting to enjoy the game at its highest graphics settings. It takes a toll on the FPS of the game. This can be especially noticeable on devices with lower power chipsets. The higher the frame rate, the smoother the gameplay. Smoother gameplay would allow you to react faster and have a better overall gaming experience. To change your graphics, here’s what you need to do. Tap on the Settings icon located at the top right of the screen.
Select the Audio and Graphics tab. If you have a smartphone with last or last year’s flagship, like Snapdragon 845/855 or their Exynos/Kirin equivalents, you can choose High quality for graphics and select Max. for frame rate. However, for devices with lower-powered processors, be sure to select the highest frame rate option available, even if that means you have to choose Low for Graphics Quality. If, and only if, you have one of the latest Snapdragon 855 or 855+ devices, you can also enable the Ragdoll effect and depth of field option to have an almost console-like gaming experience. You may find this Call of Duty tip interesting.
Throws are key to winning the game. This goes for both. Multiplayer and Battle Royale game modes. Here are all the lethal throwables in the game: Frag Grenade, Trip Mine, Sticky Grenade, Molotov Cocktail. Lethal throwables deal damage or even kill enemies instantly. Tactical Throws help you gain a tactical advantage over your enemies. Here are all the tactical launches in the game: Flashbang, Smoke Grenade, Concussion Grenade, EMP. There is also a trophy system that automatically destroys incoming explosives.
Battle Royale mode has various vehicles for players to use to quickly travel around the map. The fastest of them all is the Helicopter. You can use the helicopter to quickly fly away from enemies or to land in the safe zone. Make sure you don’t fly close to enemies as the helicopter can be easily seen and destroyed with rockets and guns. Fortunately, if you end up in a situation like that, just jump out of the helicopter and glide to safety to heal up and make tactical decisions.
The minimap is incredibly useful for getting a quick idea of enemy movements or even their position when playing multiplayer or Battle Royale. When you or your teammates trigger the UAV’s scorestreak in multiplayer, enemies will appear as red dots on the minimap. Use that information to attack the enemy with a frag grenade or by pre-firing.
This is possibly the best thing to remember while playing. Unlike PUBG Mobile where you can’t shoot through objects, you can shoot through certain objects and walls in Call of Duty: Mobile. If you have reason to believe an enemy is behind a wooden wall, pre-fire on the spot. You will most likely end up killing the camping enemy without actually engaging in a firefight.
Bullets can penetrate through walls and thin objects, so always pre-fire where you think the enemy is. In addition to shooting through walls, pre-firing is a great strategy for dealing damage first to an enemy that might be hiding in a corner. If you have played PUBG or any other shooting game, you may already know the importance of pre-shooting in certain locations.
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