Russia has lost 398 aircraft, 1496 tanks, 3614 AFVs 752 UAVs

2022-06-24 20:35:47 By : Mr. Gang Qian - Military and defence news, analysis, research and data

KYIV ($1=29.55 Ukrainian Hryvnias) — On June 22, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine presented the latest data on the losses that, according to the Ukrainian side, the Russian Armed Forces suffered during the ongoing war, which began on February 24 by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

According to Ukrainians, the Russian army has lost since the start of the war: 216 aircraft and 182 helicopters [398 all together], 614 drones [all classes], 137 cruise missiles [probably shot down missiles], 1496 tanks, 3614 armored vehicles, other classes [wheeled armored personnel carriers, combat infantry machinery, etc.], 752 artillery systems [towed and self-propelled – it is not known whether this includes 120 mm mortars, destroyed or captured], 239 field missile launchers, 99 anti-aircraft sets [apparently without artillery division, missile, and artillery missiles], 2543 unarmored vehicles, 60 examples of “special equipment” [possibly tank wagons destroyed at the beginning of the war] and 14 vessels.

According to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the armed forces of the Russian Federation have lost 34,230 soldiers [killed, seriously wounded, captured].

It is worth noting that these are data from the Ukrainian side. The current phase of the war in Ukraine, initiated by the Russian attack on February 24, is also taking place in the field of information propaganda, and certainly, some data have been colored to obtain the corresponding propaganda effect.

However, according to information from publicly available sources, Russia’s losses are indeed very serious – one manifestation of this could be to make up for the losses in relatively modern tanks by sending the front of archaic T-62 tanks officially into service in 1961

By the way, not only the Russians are suffering heavy losses – but the Ukrainian armed forces are also rapidly losing their equipment, and due to the high intensity of fighting in Donbas, according to Ukrainian data, every day killed 100 to 300 Ukrainian soldiers and another 500-700 soldiers wounded or captured.

On 21 February 2022, the Russian government claimed that Ukrainian shelling had destroyed an FSB border facility on the Russia Ukraine border, and claimed that it had killed 5 Ukrainian soldiers who tried to cross into Russian territory. Ukraine denied being involved in both incidents and called them a false flag.

On the same day, the Russian government formally recognized the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR as independent states, according to Putin not only in their de-facto controlled areas, but the Ukrainian Oblasts as a whole, and Putin ordered Russian troops, including tanks, to enter the regions.

On 24 February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an invasion of Ukraine by Russian Armed Forces previously concentrated along the border. The invasion followed by targeted airstrikes of military buildings in the country, as well as tanks entering via the Belarus border.

Russia has so far not recognized the invasion of Ukraine as a “war”, although that is exactly what it is, claiming that it is a “special military operation”. According to the UN, in which Russia has its permanent representation, for military action to be defined as a “special military operation”, it must have a resolution issued by the UN. There is no such resolution, which automatically defines the military actions of the Russians as an invasion and war against the citizens of Ukraine.

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