Rector Unal: “We managed to win 17 awards at TEKNOFEST” - Vitrin News

2022-09-09 20:36:15 By : Mr. Benny Hu

Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU) Rector Prof.Dr.Yavuz Ünal said that they had a great success by winning a total of 17 awards at TEKNOFEST BLACK, which they attended as academic stakeholders.Speaking at the presentation ceremony of the certificate of appreciation given to the winning teams at the OMU Rectorate Senate Hall, Rector Prof.Dr.Yavuz Ünal said, “We have 13 patents registered on behalf of our university. Our total target for the first 6 months of 2022 is 14.7 of these 13 patents were awarded in ISIF.When we include other patents, we, as Ondokuz Mayıs University, were able to receive 17 awards within TEKNOFEST.Among them, we have very qualified awards.We managed to increase our number of awards, which was 10 last year, even more this year.”“The goal is to be among the top 11 universities in Turkey”Pointing out that they aim to be among the first 11 universities in Turkey in his speech, Yavuz Ünal said, “Our target as OMU was to be among the first 11 universities in Turkey.With these achievements, we are one step closer to our achievable goal.There is a good indication of this;we, as OMU, were in the 12th rank in patents last year, and this year we rose to the 4th rank in the number of patents.This is a promising development for OMU,” he said.“We attached importance to encouraging patent application”Rector Ünal, who stated that they have made some arrangements as OMU management since the day they took office, said, “We have ensured that especially project writing, financing of the written project from somewhere and this is considered as a normal process within the system.We paid attention to increasing the projects of undergraduate students and encouraging patent applications at the undergraduate level.At this point, we have created a structure that includes not only undergraduate but also graduate students and strengthens with academic staff.”Pointing out that successes make them very excited and happy, Rector Unal said, “As OMÜ, we undertook two tasks at TEKNOFEST.The first of these was the President of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), Prof.Dr.It was to host Erol Özvar by organizing many activities in Samsun.Chairman of YÖK, Mr. Özvar, I would like to inform you that he left our university with positive thoughts.Secondly, we were a stakeholder institution at TEKNOFEST.We were in the field to provide project training not only within the University but also to other institutions in our province.We actually entered the field with the 11 workshops we opened, and we saw that our dreams were not wasted with the awards we received," he said, drawing attention to the corporate atmosphere and the social impact of OMU.Certificate of appreciation to OMU teamsThis year, the competitions within the scope of TEKNOFEST;In 40 categories and 99 sub-categories, more than 600 thousand people and more than 150 thousand team applications were received from 81 provinces and 107 countries.Among these applications, OMÜ made 23 student teams finalists in technology competitions, 9 of which won awards.OMÜ academicians, on the other hand, managed to receive the patent award for 7 out of 10 inventions at the Istanbul International Invention Fair (ISIF) organized under TEKNOFEST.In addition, the winner of the TEKNOFEST Short Film Competition was Yasir Yıldırım, Student of the Faculty of Communication, Department of Radio, Television and Cinema.Teams that achieved a degree in TEKNOFEST Black Sea;Rector Prof.Dr.Yavuz Ünal was hosted by him and certificates of appreciation were presented.At the ceremony held in the Rectorate Senate Hall, Rector Ünal;Vice Rectors Prof.Dr.Cengiz Batuk, Prof.Dr.Selim Eren, Prof.Dr.Sevim Alisir, Prof.Dr.Mahmut Başoğlu and General Secretary Assoc.Dr.İdris Varıcı and Senate Members accompanied him.The program ended with Rector Ünal and University Senate Members taking a souvenir photo with the teams that won degrees.Awards Won at TEKNOFESTIn technology competitions;Flying Car Competition Most Original Software Award (Flying Vehicle Team), Biotechnology Innovation Competition Best Presentation Award (Genetic Reprogrammers Team) among 3,592 teams, Agricultural Unmanned Land Vehicle Second Prize among 445 teams (OMU-TAR Team), Among 108 teams, Roketsan won the Vertical Landing Third Prize (OMU Tanyeli Team), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Locality Second Prize (LOTUS UAV Team), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mention Award (Breeze Team), Model Satellite Best Presentation Award (OMU Saturn Team).He won the First Prize (Defence Tech Team) and the Incentive Award (Prof. Dr. Selim Ceyhan) among 583 teams in the field of Defense Space Aviation in TUBITAK 2242 Student Project Competitions.Yasir Yıldırım, a student of OMÜ Communication Faculty, Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, won the TEKNOFEST Short Film Competition with his short film “Red Raven”.In addition, at ISIF'22 within the scope of TEKNOFEST, Ondokuz Mayıs University won a total of 7 awards, including 1 WPO prestige award, 1 gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze medals.Your comment has been sent successfully.It will be published after the approval of our editors!