Modern Warfare 2 Equipment, Perks, Field Upgrades List

2022-09-16 20:28:48 By : Ms. Lucky Chen

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With today’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer reveal, Activision has revealed more info about the game, and this includes the Modern Warfare 2 equipment (tacticals, lethals), perks, field upgrades, and “perk packages.”


Modern Warfare II introduces the concept of a Perk Package: a set of two base Perks, plus two more – a Bonus and an Ultimate – that are earned during a match.

By default, in non-round-based modes, a Bonus Perk is earned four minutes into the match, while an Ultimate Perk is earned eight minutes into the match. Those timers can be sped up by earning score – via kills, assists, objective play, and more – during a match; every 10 points shaves a second off.

Perk Packages can be made when editing a Loadout; up to five custom ones can be saved at a time, and several pre-made Default Perk Packages are also available for inspiration or for direct use in a Loadout.

Perks – List of Available Perks

Overkill: Carry two Primary Weapons

Double Time:  Double the duration of Tactical Sprint. Increase crouch movement speed by 30%.

Battle Hardened: Reduce the effect of enemy Flash, Stun, EMP, Gas Grenades, and Shock Sticks. Immune to Snapshot Grenades.

Scavenger: Resupply ammo and throwing knives from dead players.

E.O.D.: Take reduced damage from non-Killstreak explosives. Reset fuze timers when picking up live grenades.

Tracker: Enemies leave behind a footprint trail, and enemy death markers are visible. Kill markers are hidden from the enemy team.

Pitcher: Throw equipment farther and see a preview of the trajectory.

Extra Tactical: Spawn with an additional Tactical.

Resupply: Spawn with an additional Lethal. Equipment recharges over 25 seconds.

Spotter: Spot enemy equipment, Field Upgrades, and Killstreaks through walls. Aiming down sights highlights them for the team. Hack enemy Claymores, Proximity Mines, C4, and Trophy Systems.

Cold-Blooded: Undetectable by AI targeting systems, and thermal optics. Does not trigger High Alert warning. Does not highlight in enemy Tactical Cameras, Recon Drones, and Spotter Scopes.

Fast Hands: Reload, use equipment, and swap weapons faster.

Quick Fix: Killing players immediately triggers health regeneration. Capturing and holding objectives increases health regeneration rate.

Focus: Reduce flinch when aiming down sights and extend Hold Breath duration.

High Alert: Vision pulses when spotted by an enemy player outside of view.

Ghost: Undetectable by UAVs, Portable Radars, and Heartbeat Sensors.

Hardline: Reduce Killstreak cost by one (1) kill. Reduce Scorestreak cost by 125.

Overclock: Store an additional Field Upgrade charge. Increase Field Upgrade charge rate by 40%. ON-EARN: Get a Field Upgrade Charge.

Survivor: On death, enter Last Stand with the ability to self-revive once per life. Teammates can revive downed players faster.

Birds’ Eye: The minimap is zoomed out. UAV and Radar pings reveal the enemy’s direction. ON-EARN: Ping enemies on the minimap.

Note that this doesn’t seem to be the complete list of field upgrades, perks and the like. Activision has mentioned the following:

Once we know the full list, we’ll update the post accordingly.

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