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Have you ever wondered what's needed to get a job as a small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) commercial drone pilot? I'll explain below, along with the required skills and experience someone would need to successfully secure a drone pilot job.
A person must successfully pass the test for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 107 Remote Pilot Certification. It’s required for any applications of drones that have either direct or indirect monetary compensation.
There are courses available to prepare you for this exam because it includes very specific aviation knowledge. Topics covered include regulations relating to small Unmanned Aircraft Systems; airspace classification, interpretation of sectional navigation charts, operating requirements and flight restrictions; aviation weather sources and effects; small unmanned aircraft loading and performance; emergency procedures; aeronautical decision-making and crew resource management; radio communication procedures; physiological effects of drugs and alcohol; airport operations; and maintenance and preflight inspection procedures.
Before testing, students need to study and memorize information to pass the “Unmanned Aircraft – General” test. This test includes 60 questions dynamically spooled individually from a knowledge base of 300 questions for each person testing. It requires a passing score of 70%. The test costs $175, paid separately to the Knowledge Testing Center. Additionally, there is a required recurrent Part 107 test every two years done online to remain compliant.
You can get an FAA Remote Pilot Certification without ever having flown a drone! The FAA doesn’t require any practical or hands-on flight skills test for certification. It seems to me this is like giving out automobile driver’s license without ever driving a car. And just the certificate alone certainly will not get you a job.
Just like commercial pilots and private pilots, remote pilots also need to keep a detailed pilot logbook that maintains a record of all flights flown on specific flight systems. These records can be maintained in a spreadsheet, paper flight logbook or one of a couple software drone logbooks that are available.
Top employers are looking for pilots with a minimum of 50 (but more likely 100) hours of logged flight time. That may not seem like many flights until you consider that average flight times for many small popular quadcopters have a maximum flight system capability of around 25 to 40 minutes, and many flights are shorter. That requires a lot of detailed record keeping, including logged flight minutes/hours by individual make/model of flight systems and locations.
Logbook hours are probably the most underappreciated issues for novice pilots toward getting a job. Therefore, pilots should begin logging all their flight hours even while learning to fly. All flight instructors should help remote pilots understand the necessity of logbooks.
Here are a few ways to build up your logged flight hours.
Start your own drone service business. This path can be a big leap, but many times is very rewarding. It can be done on a full-time or part-time basis, and it will require an investment in equipment and time. We recommend picking a specific industry to focus on or a service to provide and then becoming an expert in that area before moving on to other industries or services. Try to build upon any existing personal expertise or experience you may have in an industry.
Part-time employment as a drone pilot contractor for a drone services agency. Contracting out services requires that you purchase your own drone to provide those services. This path will help you increase your knowledge and provide additional logged flight time, which can be beneficial if you decide to pursue one of the other paths later. Also, many contractor engagements can lead to full-time employment opportunities.
• Autonomous flight: When you’re flying with joysticks on a drone flight controller, it’s primarily used for photos and videos. However, with increasing demand for data collection, applications are flown autonomously, with the pilot on standby, ready to take over in case of an emergency. A few of the applications—such as DJI-Ground Station Pro, Drone Deploy, Pix4D and Litchi Drone Software—are great to have on your resume. Those autonomous flight skills are very important when seeking a job.
• Data analytics: Pix4D has advanced photogrammetry. Pix4Dmapper can process thousands of images and generate Orthomosaic, Point cloud, 2-D maps, 3-D models, distance and volume measurements, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) maps and other reports and models. Those outputs can be imported into GIS software and other tools and used to turn raw data into actionable intelligence.
Some of the leading jobs that can benefit from these skills and experience include construction, surveying, agriculture, inspection, insurance, public safety, security and more. Having advanced additional skills in data collection and analytics is where the entire commercial drone industry is headed.
The Future Of sUAS Drones
Today, drone manufacturers and drone software applications are increasingly adding artificial intelligence to their systems, meaning there's less reliance on pilots in a traditional sense. As a result, drone pilots need to add the skills of data collection and data analytics to their repertoires in order to prepare for the future.
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