Fox News can no longer bring its viewers live voyeuristic footage of desperate people huddled under a bridge in Texas—and its hosts are mad. Late Thursday, the Federal Aviation Administration brought in a two-week flight restriction over Del Rio, which means that Fox News has to ground the drone it’s been using to show the scene at International Bridge between Del Rio and Mexico’s Ciudad Acuña. At least 10,000 migrants, largely from Haiti, have gathered at the bridge, and Reuters reports the people are low on food and water as temperatures hit 99 degrees Fahrenheit. The FAA said the flight restriction was needed “due to drones interfering with law enforcement flights,” and the media can still “make requests to operate in the area.” Fox News hosts, who have been fear-mongering about the gathering all week, reacted to the ban with anger. Sean Hannity accused the FAA of “trying to prevent Fox’s drone from showing the American people the truth and capturing images just like this... The FAA is being used to cover up for Biden’s failures. And we are going to let that stand? I don’t think so.”