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STAR, Idaho — Eagle and Star police officers had a unique experience last week after Ada County dispatch received a report of a steer on the loose with a rope around his horns.
On May 2 before 6 a.m., the steer was running on the street near the corner of West Floating Feather Road and North Park Lane. Eagle police officer Damian Rodriguez arrived to the nearby neighborhood to see the steer walking in traffic and hanging out around homes.
Rodriguez used his Chevy Tahoe patrol vehicle in an attempt to wrangle the steer. He drove up near the steer and parked his Tahoe tires on the rope attached to the animal's horns to keep the steer in position.
However, the steer wasn't a fan of the move and charged the patrol vehicle, ramming the bumper and dislodging the rope from the tire. The steer then trotted away.
Other officers arrived around the time of the steer's escape. The officers called animal control while keeping their eye on the steer and directing him away from homes.
Animal control contacted a local brand inspector for help. The brand inspector arrived shortly after 8 a.m., and was able to rope the steer and get it into a trailer.
Eagle Police said they contacted nearby ranchers, but no one knew where the steer came from. After two hours and the steer traveling all the way to Linder Road and into the neighborhood west of Lanewood Road, the steer was finally wrangled.
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