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BAKU ($1=1.70 Azerbaijan Manats) — Ozgur Guleruz, general manager of the Turkish company STM, spoke to reporters in the Azerbaijani capital Baku. He said that the company he manages is currently being asked by 20 countries to buy KARGU Rotary Wing Strike UAVs.
“Negotiations for the sale of KARGU continue with more than 20 countries. This is very likely to happen. Today, every military environment shows that the need for UAVs will increase,” Guleruz told reporters, adding that the company is currently developing different versions of the drone. “We have integrated the RF search engine developed by STM into KARGU. We are working on KARGU armor munitions, we expect them to be completed very soon and we will start testing.”
Guleruz confirmed to reporters that the company has already exported several products to Asia [Azerbaijan] and South America [Peru]. BulgarianMilitary.com reminds us that KARGU Rotary Wing Strike UAV has been in service in the Turkish forces since 2018.
The Turkish drone KARGU became famous among the military and the UN in a UN report released in May 2021 concerning an incident in 2020. Then [2020] in Libya, the Turkish drone attacked without command from the operator a soldier from the armed forces of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar. According to the UN report, there was no need for a human controller, because at the time of the attack the drone was in the so-called highly efficient autonomous mode, which implies artificial intelligence. A similar comment was published in the American edition of the New York Post.
“Deadly autonomous weapons systems are programmed to attack targets without requiring a link between the operator and the ammunition: a real‘ shoot, forget and find ’capability,” said a report by the UN Security Council’s Expert Group in Libya. All international experts described the incident as the first documented case of a drone attacking a person without command from the operator.
STM KARGU is a Turkish, small, and easily portable rotary-wing kamikaze drone manufactured by STM. There are two control modes: autonomous and manual. The Turkish manufacturer says this drone is perfectly suitable for mobile or static purposes.
STM KARGU capabilities include day and night operations, autonomous and precise hit, different ammunition options, tracking moving targets, navigation, and control algorithms, deployable and operable by a single person, in-flight mission abortion, and emergency self-destruction.
The dimensions of the drone are: length: 60 cm [2.0 ft], wing Span: 60 cm [2.0 ft], weight: 7.060 g [15.56 lb]. It can reach a height of 500 meters and reach a maximum flying speed of 72 km / h. The operational range of the drone is up to 5 km. The Turkish manufacturer did not give specifics about the KARGU warhead, saying it could be armed with “different ammunition options”.
The drone is equipped with artificial intelligence software that has an integrated machine learning algorithm. It has an optical system with 10x magnification.
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