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MOSCOW ($1=60.59 Russian Rubles) — A new Russian unmanned aerial vehicle is currently undergoing tests. This is the Kronshtadt Sirius developed by Kronshtadt – the same company that makes the Orion series of drones.
Kronshtadt says Sirius will be able to launch two types of munitions – guided and unguided. At the moment, the drone has been tested in an autonomous environment – interaction with other aircraft or ground vehicles and systems with different weapons. There is no word on how long the tests will continue. However, Russia wants to receive the drone in 2023.
A source quoted by TASS says that Sirius will be able not only to perform combat missions but also reconnaissance ones. The unmanned vehicle will be equipped with optical-electronic systems. “The war in Ukraine showed the need for this type of technology,” the source told TASS.
Some Russian experts define Sirius as Orion’s older brother. It will be heavier than Orion, they say. The drone will be navigated by satellite control.
Sirius is a twin-engine drone with a long-range and large payload. It has a straight wing combined with a thin fuselage. The plumage of the drone is V-shaped. This is a typical aerodynamic design of Russian engineers. Sirius’ powerplant includes two turboprop engines.
Still, the main technical characteristics are little known. According to data from open sources, the wingspan of the drone will be within 23 meters. Their length will not exceed 9 meters. 450 kg will be the useful load to carry, while the maximum take-off mass will be in the range of 2 – 2.5 tons. Sirius will be able to fly at a maximum height of 7 km and develop a cruising speed of 180 km/h.
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