GA-ASI unveiled Gambit - an AI UAS that 'feels the target'

2022-08-12 21:12:06 By : Mr. Bin Chen - Military and defence news, analysis, research and data

WASHINGTON — On March 3, 2022, one of the largest manufacturers and leaders in the development of military unmanned aerial vehicles – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. [GA-ASI] presented its latest development Gambit. This is an unmanned aerial vehicle [UAS] system.

The name was not chosen by chance, the company said. GA-ASI hopes Gambit UAS will become dominant in the skies during combat operations, relying on its tactical advantages. Gambit UAS was created to play a leading role in combat operations, not only in the air but also on the ground, thus providing the necessary quality support to the ground forces.

Gambit UAS is an unmanned autonomous platform with artificial intelligence [AI] equipped with many sensors. Gambit UAS will allow fighter pilots to see deep into hostile combat space and, along with aircraft computer systems, guide the pilot to possible threats, make quick but effective critical decisions, develop a tactical response or real-time mission.

David R. Alexander, President of GA-ASI, believes that this new unmanned platform will change military action as a whole. The reason for this is that away from air or ground combat, combat pilots will have a complete picture of the scale of the combat space itself, which will facilitate the identification of enemy targets.

“GA-ASI has led the way in integrating UAS into every aspect of military operations,” Alexander said. “Now we’re once again pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with unmanned aircraft, software, mission systems integration, and more.”

According to the predefined characteristics in the software engineering of the Gambit unmanned aerial vehicle, the artificial intelligence of the drone will have to not only identify enemy targets but also “feel” them. Ie Artificial intelligence will be able to understand long before a soldier, pilot, or sailor in a combat situation what the enemy’s target is, trace it deep into its surroundings, and disseminate this information to all autonomously related systems – such as the army it serves, as well as partners and allies.

GA-ASI calls this high-quality intelligence. The company says that Gambit UAS will be able to perform various additional tasks without the need for prompting from the platform operator.

Gambit UAS is a project that has been set from the very beginning of the design of unmanned aerial vehicles. The company says that Gambit UAS is the next-level strategy in the air, which continues the line of Predator and Reaper, but originated in the minds of engineers long before that. The company hopes the Pentagon and the US government will find meaning in acquiring the system. If this happens, there will be a long process of testing and updating during design, but it would be a great advantage for the US military in the future.

So far, no information is available on whether this drone will remain an option for the US military alone or will gain export status.

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