FAA Provides MOC for UAS Remote ID Mandate | Business Aviation News: Aviation International News

2022-08-12 21:02:17 By : Mr. CHRIS XUE

The FAA has published a means of compliance (MOC) for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) manufacturers to meet the requirements for providing remote identification capability and remote identification broadcast modules for UAS. FAR Part 89, which was published last year, requires that after Sept. 16, 2022, no unmanned aircraft can be produced without FAA-approved remote ID capability.

Under Part 89, unmanned aircraft operators have a year to comply with the ID requirement. Specifically, after Sept. 16, 2023, no UAS can be operated within U.S. airspace unless it is equipped with a functioning remote ID or is transmitting ADS-B Out under FAR 91.225. The aircraft’s registration certificate must include the serial number of the remote ID broadcast module.

ASTM International was tasked by the FAA to develop the MOC document to meet Part 89. Earlier this year, the FAA accepted ASTM F3586-22 and made some revisions. A key addition includes the requirement that the remote ID system “shall incorporate techniques or methods that reduce the ability of any person to physically and functionally modify or disable any aspect or component of the remote identification system.”


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